Himajin Imagine Front Cover


Himajin Imagine


どんだけなんだよ きっとあなたの言う事が正しいのさ

どんだけなんだよ こっちの事情も関係ないよね

どんだけなんだよ あ、そろそろ お暇させていただきます

今日も検索 お疲れ様でした!





身近なやつさえ変えられないから とても綺麗な文章で






どんだけなんだよ まず自分の事だけでいいよね

どんだけなんだよ 責任感って言葉 知ってますか?

どんだけなんだよ 誰も間違いじゃないんだから

立派なヒマジン 御愁傷様です


ここまで愛しい社会になるなんて とても異常な世の中だ

刃物より深く抉れるような あんたの言葉だよ





どんだけなんだよ まず自分の事だけでいいよね

どんだけなんだよ 責任感って言葉 知ってますか?

どんだけなんだよ 誰も間違いじゃないんだから

あなたは○×△︎ ヒマジンのイマジン ひけらかすだけ

どんだけなんだよ まず自分の事だけでいいよね

どんだけなんだよ 責任感って言葉 知ってますか?

どんだけなんだよ 誰も間違いじゃないんだから

立派なヒマジン 御愁傷様です

  • Lyricist

    yohei nishi

  • Composer

    yohei nishi

  • Producer

    yohei nishi

  • Guitar


  • Songwriter

    yohei nishi

Himajin Imagine Front Cover

Listen to Himajin Imagine by westman8

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    Himajin Imagine


Westman8, a member of the pop band Balconny, based in Fukuoka Prefecture, will begin his solo career in 2025.
He is currently distributing songs created using music generation AI, and has released his fifth single, Himajin Imagine.
The theme of this work is "anger at the stagnation of modern society."
The lyrics are actually based on westman8's own experiences, and he writes that the severity of slander and rumors is the same in both the real world and the online world, and that in the end, other people are other people, and he created the song with his own thoughts in mind that it is best for him to stick to his own way of life.
The song is based on a modern image of Stevie Wonder's Superstition, and since westman8 loves Rage Against the Machine in terms of anger towards society, he incorporates a slightly rap-like melody and a screaming style of singing.
Finally, the images were also created using AI, but they are just as the title suggests, and this is a work that was born miraculously, and I personally like it very much.
This is a song that I would like many people to listen to at their leisure, but some people may have a sensitive ear for it and may reject it, so I hope they will be open-minded and forgive me.

Artist Profile

  • westman8

    He has been active as a bandman and music composer for many years. In 2025, he started using AI to create music under his personal name "westman8" and began a new activity centered on distribution. He is a member of the Fukuoka pop band "balconny", which is based in Fukuoka and active nationwide, and plays the bass and writes most of the songs. He originally debuted as a member of the happy rock band "Black1Neck", which has the title of Fukuoka's number one band. His high-quality pop songs with a nostalgic feel are well-known among industry insiders, and he has also written songs for other artists. Balcony's band activities have been scaled down since the COVID-19 pandemic, and each member is increasingly doing their own activities. He has served as a goodwill ambassador for Yame City, Fukuoka Prefecture for six years and is in charge of a one-hour live radio program on FM Yame.

    Artist page
