March (feat. Ruri Matsumura, Haruka Yabuno & Nathan Blankett) Front Cover


March (feat. Ruri Matsumura, Haruka Yabuno & Nathan Blankett)

Noriaki Hosoya

Time spins in the slightest blink of your eyes Morning will bring me back with the melodies

I see the season drift away

And it would never come back to play with me

Like she’s just gone

Although the memories will fade

Forever it lives inside my heart to give me strength and warmth

March is my favorite time of the year Love is awaiting me over the doorways

When you come back to meet again

I will tell you just how much you gave me all the strength I would love to hug you in my arms

And say you’re the light of my life, my sweetest heart

Time spins and brings us back to the memories Winding the road, we go with the melodies

I see the seasons start to change

They would never come back to play with me like we were gone But through the memories we’ll stay

Forever we live inside your heart to give you strength and warmth

Marching into the heart of the weary

Dark night will end when the stars come shining through

When you come back to meet again

I will tell you just how much you gave me all the strength I would love to hug you in my arms

And say you’re the light of my life, my sweetest heart

  • Lyricist

    Ruri Matsumura

  • Composer

    Noriaki Hosoya

March (feat. Ruri Matsumura, Haruka Yabuno & Nathan Blankett) Front Cover

Listen to March (feat. Ruri Matsumura, Haruka Yabuno & Nathan Blankett) by Noriaki Hosoya

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    March (feat. Ruri Matsumura, Haruka Yabuno & Nathan Blankett)

    Noriaki Hosoya

世界中で活動しているコンテンポラリー・ジャズ・ベーシスト細谷紀彰が、Tokyo Jazz 2020出演を果たしたヴォーカリストRuri Matsumuraを迎えた自身初のヴォーカル楽曲。Ruri Matsumuraによる叙情的な詞に、細谷の描く欧州ジャズの匂いを感じるメロディーを乗せた。
共演ミュージシャンに、細谷同様に国際的活動が目立つピアニスト藪野遥佳、イスラエル人ドラマーNathan Blankettとの国境を超えたリモートコラボレーションを実現させ、失われつつある色彩を取り戻すかのようなポスト・コロナ時代への希望を表す前向きな楽曲となっている。

Artist Profile

  • Noriaki Hosoya

    Bass player and composer Noriaki Hosoya moved to Boston to attend Berklee College of Music in 2002. He studied bass under Matthew Garrison, Dave Buda, Dave Clark, etc., composing and arranging under Ken Pullig, Greg Hopkins, Ted Pease, and Scott Free. He also attended the master class of Jimmy Haslip (Yellowjackets). In 2005 he was honored the Outstanding Performer Award, and in 2006 he graduated Berklee College of Music majoring in Performance & Jazz Composition and Arrangement and honored as magna cum laude. He moved to Tokyo in 2006 and participated in various gigs and recordings such as Jazz-oriented instrumental, pop/rock music, jingles, TV shows, etc. From 2010 to 2016, he lived in Berlin, Germany & has been an active bass player all over in Europe. He has been working as a professional performance and recording bass player in many occasions, including as a musical director of Canadian singer Rachelle Jeanty (ex. Celine Dion). In 2016, he moved back to Tokyo, Japan. However, he is touring between EU and Japan frequently with many projects such as "Falk Bonitz Trio" and "Swansong".

    Artist page

  • Ruri Matsumura

  • Haruka Yabuno

  • Nathan Blankett
