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This is a real solo album released by me-Rockman-Jeuro, a prince of progressive rock, hard rock and pop, at the dawn of Reiwa. You should not die until listening to this album.

Most of the songs have irregular time signatures and analog synths effectively. "Hold me tight in the night" is a seven-beat progressive hymn that seems to fit John Wetton. "The Pink Slip" and "The Unforgiven" are hard rock or heavy metal. "Pride" is a very pop and the Beatles tribute. Since there are various types of songs as described above, you should not focus on one genre. Every song is a prog-rock and heavy-rock performance, there are always songs with impressive melodies, and it's not for only prog fan and metal head. It is a prog, hard rock, and pop that can be listened by everyone today, regardless of music trends. Yes, the genre of this album is "Prog Hard Pop" which me-Rockman-Jeuro advocates.

Artist Profile

  • me-Rockman-Jeuro

    京都在住プログレハードポップ系ソロアーティスト。幼少よりギターを嗜み学生時代はバンド活動に明け暮れる。一旦は音楽活動から離れIT系勘定系の仕事に従事するも、コンピュータの進化とともにリアルなバンドサウンドをコンピュータで再現できる時代の到来を目の当たりにし、自らソロ・アルバムという形にて作品を発表、具現化している。 RUSHのトリビュートバンド"BTR"でGeddy Lee役(ベース、ボーカル、シンセ)、exよたろう帝國(ベース、サウンドプロデュース)

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