遠くを見てる まなざしに
僕は気づいてた 胸が痛む
君は切り出した 嬉しそうに
光へ歩きだす 姿 目で追うだけ
眩しさに重なる 影に 無謀さを探して
あの日の言葉が 耳に残る 君は街を離れて
旅立ちの朝に 吹き荒れてた 春の嵐
あの日 僕にだけ明かした夜
全て解ってた つもりでいた
若い気の迷いと 言えるはずはなくて
ただ否定するには 少し 君を知りすぎたね
瞼の裏側 薄く香る 君の甘き残像
舞い散る花びらを 踏み潰した 春の嵐
寂しさが昏く 吹き荒んだ 君を攫うみたいに
三月は過ぎてく 立ち尽くした 春の嵐
そよいだ風の 行方を探す
君の髪をゆらしてる 淡い追い風たち
乾いた靴の 音は寂しく
何も始まらない季節 僕は ただ一人で
- Lyricist
- Composer
Kenjiro Hamabayashi
Listen to Spring Storm by Iromachi Otome
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Spring Storm
Iromachi Otome
Hamabayashi was drinking at a tavern near the colorful district.
He suddenly spoke to the difficult-looking young man next to him.
He said, "I'm graduating from college this year and getting a job.
But the person I like says she won't get a job...she's going to work in the red-light district.
She is confident in her way of thinking and has hope for the future.
I have no choice but to look out for her. And so I suffer."
Artist Profile
Iromachi Otome
2073 AD. A huge colored town formed in a certain town. The sex industry was once again closed as it was long ago. Four maidens born in such a city. They reveal their birth and sing the sorrow of a woman, carrying an indelible stigma.
Iromachi Otomeの他のリリース
Stella Sordino