Pebble Front Cover

アスファルトの隅に転がる ひとつの小石

誰にも気づかれず 踏まれてきた痕

高層ビルの影に 埋もれるような僕の心

見渡す限り どこにも居場所なんてない

うわべだけの笑顔で 「大丈夫」と呟く

本当の声なんて 誰も聞いてくれない

明日の予定を埋めたところで 満たされない

擦り減る気持ちが まるで靴の中の小石みたい

小さなものほど 痛みは大きく



「どこへ向かえばいいの?」 応えはまだ見えなくて

一歩進むたび 見失ってしまうんだ

僕は 小石のように ちっぽけで 孤独で


傷つきながら 転びながら



その勇気さえも 砕けそうになる

小さな存在ほど 嘘(うそ)も隠せない

痛みごと 全部抱(かか)えこんで歩いてく

見上げた空に こぼれ落ちるため息が


小石のままで それでも進む僕を

どうか 誰か気づいてほしい

  • Lyricist

    Check No Apple Juice

  • Composer

    Check No Apple Juice

  • Producer

    Check No Apple Juice

  • Vocals

    Check No Apple Juice

  • Songwriter

    Check No Apple Juice

Pebble Front Cover

Listen to Pebble by Check No Apple Juice

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    Check No Apple Juice

Like a small pebble rolling in the corner of asphalt, buried in the shadows of skyscrapers and unnoticed by passersby, this song delicately portrays the contrast between surface-level "I'm fine" statements and the suffocating pressure building within. It gives voice to the inner thoughts of many living in today's society.
The questioning lyrics "My wavering heart cries out with every step" and "Where should I be heading?" embody the anxiety and confusion of a generation that has lost its sense of direction. Yet the desire "I want to find my own kind of brilliance someday" represents a small but definite light of hope.
This song quietly yet powerfully expresses the pain and courage of an existence like a pebble, continuing forward despite being hurt and stumbling along the way. We invite you to listen and perhaps recognize the voice of the "pebble" within yourself.

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