Hinatakako Chorus collection Front Cover


Sakai High shcool School Song


風わたる空 坂井平野の土に

一粒の種が今 芽吹きはじめる

大空めざし 伸びる木々のように

たくましき生命こそ 拓けゆく光

友と描いた 夢の素描をたどり


迷いなくゆけ 創造の道を

支え合う絆こそ 友愛の証

受け継がれゆく ものづくりの心は

流す汗 涙へて 磨かれてゆく

高き誇りは 修練の糧に

学び得る工こそ 明日への翼

今 学ぼう 生き抜く力

さあ はばたけ 坂井の空

  • Lyricist


  • Composer


Hinatakako Chorus collection Front Cover

Listen to Sakai High shcool School Song by Hinatakako

Streaming / Download

  • 1

    Our Memories


  • 2

    River of Life


  • ⚫︎

    Sakai High shcool School Song


  • 4

    Happy Smile Flowers


  • 5

    Song for Praises hometown


A collection of choral songs by singer-songwriter Hinatakako, who has continued choral exchanges in various places.

More than 10 years have passed since its release, and the singing voices of more than 300 people who met through activities such as "Shunkan no Kei", which is still sung as a graduation song, and "Shiawase no Hana", the theme song of Sakai City that flows as a daily time signal, are recorded. A recording of a chorus exchange. Sakai Municipal 5th Anniversary Commemorative Song "Furusato Sanka ~ Life Breathing Town ~" includes a performance with an orchestra.

Artist Profile

  • Hinatakako

    Hina Takako Living as a musician in a nature-rich town in Fukui, Hokuriku. Her activities are wide-ranging, such as the release of song albums, live temples in Japan and overseas, CM songs, school songs, official theme songs of the city, and chorus songs. A singer-songwriter who has a priesthood and has a gentle yet powerful singing voice while focusing on "people, life, and nature."

    Artist page


