大きな声を出して笑って 声を密め泣いた
もしかしたらそれが ボクらの青春だった……
橋を 渡る ボクらは足を止める 魔法の絨毯よろしく 川面を風が滑る
夢ばかり食べて 活きてたボクらを 何処か遠くへ遠くへ 運んでくれた
それで良かった それが良かった
街の切れ端で ボクらは蹲(うずくま)る 魔法のランプよろしく 辺りが螺旋に四時(よじ)れる
夢に 破れて 鼻が曲がったボクらも 何処か笑えた笑えた 何故かカッコ付けてた
それで良かった それが良かった
大きな声を出して笑って 声を密め泣いた
もしかしたらそれが ボクらの青春…
大きな声を出して今も 今も 笑いたい 笑いたい……
キミが 好きだ 泣いたり笑ったり好きだ
キミが 好きだ 泣いても笑っても好きだ
- Lyricist
- Composer
Listen to seisyun de ii by Guzzle Pitt
Streaming / Download
- 1
Guzzle Pitt
- 2
Guzzle Pitt
- 3
Guzzle Pitt
- 4
Guzzle Pitt
- 5
Guzzle Pitt
- 6
Guzzle Pitt
- 7
believe in love again ~A Theme of Sound Summit~ (feat. hibikiko)
Guzzle Pitt
- 8
madasyounensyoujo (X'mas Ver.)
Guzzle Pitt
- 9
rock'n'roller ni naritai
Guzzle Pitt
- ⚫︎
seisyun de ii
Guzzle Pitt
- 11
lalala no love letter
Guzzle Pitt
Artist Profile
Guzzle Pitt
Formed in 2000. The current form in 2004 while repeating member changes. An acoustic band consisting of KURO (Vo. / G), pyngchang (Vo. / Perc.), and REO (Vo. / Ukulele). In the spring of 2005, the album "HOME" and the mini-album "Kimi ni todokanai Love Song" were simultaneously produced and announced as a summary of activities up to that point. In 2006, released the mini-album "Eikyu-denchi", in 2009 the album "homeless", and in 2010 the mini-album "Love 10th." After that, they were actively performing live activities until 2012, but since 2012 they are almost dormant as a band. However, during the hiatus period, the song will be used for the enlightenment CM of Fukuoka City Dowa problem month. In addition, he was in charge of the full-length song for the theater company Stag Party Show's "Yogisha ni Notte" performance in Fukuoka. And in 2022, it will finally restart in earnest.
Guzzle Pittの他のリリース