もう何年も ひとりぼっち
窓ぎわで 今日も一日
のんびりと ポカポカ日向ぼっこ
ところがある日 人間が
若い雌猫を 連れてきた
しなやかな 白い毛並みに
素敵な模様 黒いブチ
僕はたちまち 恋に落ち
期待に しっぽを膨らませた
今日から 仲良くするのよと
笑いながら 人間はそう言った
一緒にじゃれあい 並んでご飯食べよう
ところが 僕がすり寄ると
彼女はニコリと ひとっ飛び
僕はビックリ あぜんと 見上げる
僕には飛べない 箪笥の上
さあ 友達になろう 仲良くなろう
一緒にじゃれあい並んで ご飯食べよう
さあ 友達になろう 仲良くしようよ
一緒にじゃれあい並んで ご飯食べよう
さあ友達になって 仲良くしようよ
一緒に毛繕い丸くなって 日向ぼっこしよう
あれから 一年がたったけど
距離は全然 縮ま ら ない
僕が追いかければ 彼女は笑って逃げる(ここまでおいで)
ご飯は未だに別々 もちろん寝床も
彼女はいつもの 箪笥の上
今日も 僕は 見上げている
- Lyricist
Shimizu Ippei
- Composer
Shimizu Ippei
Listen to blues for my old cat by Shimizu Ippei
Streaming / Download
- 1
So long dad
Shimizu Ippei
- 2
Woods child's
Shimizu Ippei
- 3
Naked Soul
Shimizu Ippei
- 4
Slow dancing
Shimizu Ippei
- 5
Shimizu Ippei
- ⚫︎
blues for my old cat
Shimizu Ippei
- 7
new morning
Shimizu Ippei
- 8
A precious meal of love
Shimizu Ippei
- 9
Memory of water
Shimizu Ippei
- 10
Hitomachi Pass
Shimizu Ippei
- 11
This old heart
Shimizu Ippei
- 12
Twilight of life
Shimizu Ippei
Artist Profile
Shimizu Ippei
Guitarist and chorus member of PINKS, who was active in the Kansai region during the early days of Japanese ROCK from 1972 to 1974. Even after the band disbanded, continued to play E-guitar in various bands and recordings. From 1981 to 1993, singer-songwriter Kosuke Kanamori & the mellow collaborated with ag. In charge of. Afterwards, he formed Ftsute Waiters with my friends and performed at live houses. I also performed at evacuation centers during the Great Hanshin Earthquake. I started writing original songs around 1994, and has continued to do so until now, with some interruptions due to raising children. Born in 1951, 72 years old. I have a wife and a high school daughter. My eyes glaze over as my heads to my computer and composes a song.