Ei-vy Front Cover


Whispering Streets


街のざわめきが 今日も耳に残る

小さな発見が 私を待ってる

ふとした瞬間に 見える希望の光

日常の一部が 冒険へと変わる

自由への地を 歩いていく


希望を抱いて 夢を見る

新しい世界が ここにある

日常を越えて 見つけたこの場所で

同じ景色でも 心は違う

昨日までの私と 今日の私

手にした小さな 自由の欠片たち

明日への扉を 開いてゆける

自由への小道を 歩いていく


希望を抱いて 夢を見る

新しい世界が ここにある

希望と光に 満ちたこの街で

冒険はいつも ここから始まる

小さな一歩が 大きな変化を生む

見慣れた街角で 新しい発見

隠された物語に 心が踊る

ひとりの旅路も みんなの物語

共に歩む時間が 私を強くする

自由への小道を 歩いていく


希望を抱いて 夢を見る

新しい世界が ここにある

日常を越えて 見つけたこの場所で

  • Lyricist


  • Composer


Ei-vy Front Cover

Listen to Whispering Streets by Ei-vy

Streaming / Download

  • 1

    You and the Shadow of Light


  • 2

    Flower of Hope


  • 3

    I can't do it to your world


  • 4

    Under the city lights


  • 5

    Invitation of the sky and the sea


  • ⚫︎

    Whispering Streets


[Debut Album] Ei-vy
I am Ei-vy, a music creator who has been working with AI tools since March 2024 to create original songs that resonate with the heart!
This work was written by Ei-vy and composed/sung by Ei-vy with SunoAI.

--- Ei-vy from now on ---
It was a very high hurdle for us to create music with no knowledge as a music creator, but with the help of AI, we were able to overcome this hurdle. This has enabled me to share "my music" with the world.
I still have a lot to learn, but I continue to work hard every day to create music that reaches the hearts of everyone who listens to it. I will always explore new musical possibilities while experimenting with various arrangements!

Artist Profile

  • Ei-vy

    I'm Ei-vy, a music creator. Since March 2024, I have been using AI tools to create original songs that resonate with the heart. My goal is to enrich lives through music, bringing beauty and health to my listeners. Without prior knowledge as a music creator, producing songs seemed like an insurmountable challenge. However, with the help of AI, I was able to overcome this barrier and share "my music" with the world. While I still have much to learn, I am dedicated to creating music that touches the hearts of those who listen. Continuously exploring new possibilities and trying various arrangements, I strive to produce unique and captivating original songs. Thank you for your support!

    Artist page
