These nights stars hide from those lights
And now we loose some pieces of us
Your words make me so sick and I feel empty
I can’t sleep so I’ll go there again tonight
- Lyricist
Maya and the Elephant in the Room
- Composer
Maya and the Elephant in the Room
- Producer
Maya and the Elephant in the Room
- Vocals
Maya and the Elephant in the Room
Listen to these nights by Maya and the Elephant in the Room
Streaming / Download
- 1
like a caliope
Maya and the Elephant in the Room
- 2
Maya and the Elephant in the Room
- 3
My sidewalk blues
Maya and the Elephant in the Room
- 4
Maya and the Elephant in the Room
- ⚫︎
these nights
Maya and the Elephant in the Room
- 6
my silly dream
Maya and the Elephant in the Room
- 7
Maya and the Elephant in the Room
- 8
see you good bye
Maya and the Elephant in the Room
Artist Profile
Maya and the Elephant in the Room
Maya and Elephant in the Room is the project by the people who held issues .