See you! Goodbye!
It’s time to the end
If I could love my soul and all these greed
At last I I can’t love I can’t take
It’s hard to breathe
Crowded house and smelly train
All kids tears with dust and our prejudices
Your wounds will heal
If you sell your both of ears and eyes
There is nothing we can’t sell we can’t buy
I’ve got to go
Decide to go without regrets
I’ve had enough of this awkward human being
My wings are heavy they got soaked
Too heavy to fly
I can’t be here
To stop crying
To stay kind
So I’ll go the end with my horse
Leave from this f’ shitty place
I’ll go the place
Give all away
And I ‘ll go there
- Lyricist
Maya and the Elephant in the Room
- Composer
Maya and the Elephant in the Room
- Producer
Maya and the Elephant in the Room
- Vocals
Maya and the Elephant in the Room
Listen to see you good bye by Maya and the Elephant in the Room
Streaming / Download
- 1
like a caliope
Maya and the Elephant in the Room
- 2
Maya and the Elephant in the Room
- 3
My sidewalk blues
Maya and the Elephant in the Room
- 4
Maya and the Elephant in the Room
- 5
these nights
Maya and the Elephant in the Room
- 6
my silly dream
Maya and the Elephant in the Room
- 7
Maya and the Elephant in the Room
- ⚫︎
see you good bye
Maya and the Elephant in the Room
Artist Profile
Maya and the Elephant in the Room
Maya and Elephant in the Room is the project by the people who held issues .