Before I wanna be an angel
Believe the words “they gonna save you
Close your eyes and hear the oracle “
But I can only hear the screaming
Before I wanna be an angel
My both of legs were hard to lift
I’m sure now I’m so happy
Yes I found myself in there
Before I wanna be an angel
Don’t wanna talk don’t wanna worry
I can not take care of even myself
Stop screaming inside my brain
I just living like an angel
Believe the words they gonna kill your time
I’m sure now I’m so happy
Yes I’m sure I’m really feel so good
I forgot the most important thing in my life
Fix me I was the perfect when I live in tummy
Shoot me baby the gun in your hands baby now
Shoot me baby shoot shoot me now baby
Tired to pretending f clown but I don’t know the other way to walk a tightrope
Never see the end
Shoot me baby the gun in your hands baby now
Shoot me baby I need to be love love loved
- Lyricist
Maya and the Elephant in the Room
- Composer
Maya and the Elephant in the Room
- Producer
Maya and the Elephant in the Room
- Vocals
Maya and the Elephant in the Room
Listen to SHOOT ME! by Maya and the Elephant in the Room
Streaming / Download
- 1
like a caliope
Maya and the Elephant in the Room
- 2
Maya and the Elephant in the Room
- 3
My sidewalk blues
Maya and the Elephant in the Room
- 4
Maya and the Elephant in the Room
- 5
these nights
Maya and the Elephant in the Room
- 6
my silly dream
Maya and the Elephant in the Room
- ⚫︎
Maya and the Elephant in the Room
E - 8
see you good bye
Maya and the Elephant in the Room
Artist Profile
Maya and the Elephant in the Room
Maya and Elephant in the Room is the project by the people who held issues .