WOMAN Front Cover


Track List

  • Play music
  • Play music
  • Play music
  • Play music
  • Play music
  • Play music
  • Play music
  • Play music
  • Play music

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-"If my life experience can be someone's zest for living."-

From her words, this album will lead us to the story of her life filled with "love" and "agony".
Written just for elyca, a total of 9 songs express and represent her life as a woman from her childhood to the present.

A girl who wished to grow up as soon as possible ,became a skeptical girl.
Facing herself and letting her emotions take over, she spent her adolescence afraid of losing or being disliked, but with friends and lovers, she was invincible in anything she did.
After reaching age 20, haunted by regrets and anxieties, she became a woman who lives in the past.
But throughout her darkest hour of long and winding road, she finally found her destiny who changed her entire life.
And now as a mother, she became a woman who is happiest now and watches her child grow up with worry and joy.

"I am who I am. I don't get swept away or dyed by anyone," she is fond of saying.
This is because the environment in which she lived was not an easy path.
She has experienced firsthand that even those who love you can betray you and easily discard you if they don't want you.
What kind of love does she want to convey to the audience, having felt herself torn apart?

Artist Profile

  • elyca

    東京都八王子市出身。 幼少期から歌手になることを夢見ていた。現在は音楽家の妻で1児の母である。 女として、母として、働く女性としての経験や葛藤、悩み、苛立ちや嫉妬等の感情や情緒を機微に歌で表現している。

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