White & Blue 3dr seasons Front Cover



Hitoshi Fujii

青い海辺の 砂浜走る 足を取られ たてる水しぶき

行先も見えず ただ真っすぐに まだ見えぬ明日を 迎えに行く

歩くこともできるけど 沈む足元 怯える心拭う

留まることの怖さを胸に 走る懸命に明日を掴むために

決して振り返らず ただ突き進む 必ず見届けるために明日を

光る稲妻 夏の空切り裂き 叩きつける 雨しぶき

平和を祈り 水面を眺める 雨音と知り 胸撫で下ろす

今もこの水平線の向こうで 人の命奪う雨が降る

海へ降る雨は悲しい涙じゃなく 明日への希望溢れる平和の証

夏のしぶきは戯れと笑顔が 溢れこぼれ落ちる 幸せの記憶


海へ降る雨は悲しい涙じゃなく 明日への希望溢れる平和の証

夏のしぶきは戯れと笑顔が 溢れこぼれ落ちる 幸せの記憶

  • Lyricist

    Hitoshi Fujii

  • Composer

    Hitoshi Fujii

  • Producer

    Hitoshi Fujii

  • Vocals

    Hitoshi Fujii

White & Blue 3dr seasons Front Cover

Listen to Natsuno-kioku by Hitoshi Fujii

Streaming / Download

  • 1


    Hitoshi Fujii

  • 2


    Hitoshi Fujii

  • 3


    Hitoshi Fujii

  • ⚫︎


    Hitoshi Fujii

  • 5


    Hitoshi Fujii

  • 6

    For two mees

    Hitoshi Fujii

  • 7


    Hitoshi Fujii

  • 8

    Ride on the wind

    Hitoshi Fujii

  • 9

    Guidepost to tomorrow

    Hitoshi Fujii

  • 10

    Serenade in snow night

    Hitoshi Fujii

  • 11

    Dawn of the earth and birth of life

    Hitoshi Fujii

  • 12


    Hitoshi Fujii

White&blue3rd album release. (new songs are 8. before made songs 4
Thema of this album is four seasons that is fading of Japan.
"Spring" is started from song called "Haruno itazura" . This song is indicated to made merry heart .
"summer" is started from song called "Natsuno kioku".This song is indicated to collars of white and blue .also sunshine.
Song called "For two mees" is made with my grandchild.
"Autumn" is started from song called "Kodokunahunade/saikennouta
This song is indicated to my own experience of reconstruction of enterprise .
"Winter" is started from called song "Yukiyono senade". This song is made of image by "Romeo and Juret " in Shakespeares.

Artist Profile
