ここまで来た長い道のり つまずきながらよろけながら
決して要領がいいとは言えず あえて回り道もした
どこまで続くんだろう 長くはないかな
でもこれからも自分らしく 生きていく 家族に有難う
いつもいつも迷いながら 周りも気にして歩んできたけど
不器用な生き方だけど そんな自分が誇らしい
どこまで続くんだろう 今をしっかりと生きるんだね
今日これからも自分らしく 他人に優しく愛していこう
どこまで続くんだろう 長くはないかな でもこれからも自分らしく 生きていこう
みんな有難う でもこれからも 自分らしく 生きていく みんな有難う
- Lyricist
Hitoshi Fujii
- Composer
Hitoshi Fujii
- Producer
Hitoshi Fujii
- Vocals
Hitoshi Fujii
Listen to watashi-no-michi by Hitoshi Fujii
Streaming / Download
- 1
Hitoshi Fujii
- 2
Hitoshi Fujii
- 3
Hitoshi Fujii
- 4
Hitoshi Fujii
- 5
Hitoshi Fujii
- 6
For two mees
Hitoshi Fujii
- 7
Hitoshi Fujii
- 8
Ride on the wind
Hitoshi Fujii
- 9
Guidepost to tomorrow
Hitoshi Fujii
- 10
Serenade in snow night
Hitoshi Fujii
- 11
Dawn of the earth and birth of life
Hitoshi Fujii
- ⚫︎
Hitoshi Fujii
White&blue3rd album release. (new songs are 8. before made songs 4
Thema of this album is four seasons that is fading of Japan.
"Spring" is started from song called "Haruno itazura" . This song is indicated to made merry heart .
"summer" is started from song called "Natsuno kioku".This song is indicated to collars of white and blue .also sunshine.
Song called "For two mees" is made with my grandchild.
"Autumn" is started from song called "Kodokunahunade/saikennouta
This song is indicated to my own experience of reconstruction of enterprise .
"Winter" is started from called song "Yukiyono senade". This song is made of image by "Romeo and Juret " in Shakespeares.
Artist Profile
Hitoshi Fujii
On my second stage all songs produced my self. All songs include japanese culture are made more easier by senior age,hear difficult people,young worry people.
Hitoshi Fujiiの他のリリース