White & Blue 3dr seasons Front Cover



Hitoshi Fujii

大きな船が乗り上げ 深い傷跡が 皆の為に作られた その大きさ仇に

有志集まり決意を 皆を守るため 新たな船出へ滑り出す

けれど荒波に幾度も打たれ 舵取り狂い 方角誤る

先の見えぬ暗闇を 皆の為に舵取る でも振り返れば誰の影もない

船の傷を繕い 新たな船出を 決意新たに胸刻み 乗り出すが

順調後悔願ったが 再び乗り上げ 去り行く仲間後に 自ら舵をとる

勇気と正義を大儀に背負い 誰かの助けを 信じながら進む

先の見えぬ暗闇を 皆の為に舵取る でも振り返れば自分だけと知る

つまづき初めて知る 座礁した理由が

故障じゃなく船員の 心の堕落と知る

  • Lyricist

    Hitoshi Fujii

  • Composer

    Hitoshi Fujii

  • Producer

    Hitoshi Fujii

  • Vocals

    Hitoshi Fujii

White & Blue 3dr seasons Front Cover

Listen to Kodokunahunade-saikennouta by Hitoshi Fujii

Streaming / Download

  • 1


    Hitoshi Fujii

  • 2


    Hitoshi Fujii

  • 3


    Hitoshi Fujii

  • 4


    Hitoshi Fujii

  • 5


    Hitoshi Fujii

  • 6

    For two mees

    Hitoshi Fujii

  • ⚫︎


    Hitoshi Fujii

  • 8

    Ride on the wind

    Hitoshi Fujii

  • 9

    Guidepost to tomorrow

    Hitoshi Fujii

  • 10

    Serenade in snow night

    Hitoshi Fujii

  • 11

    Dawn of the earth and birth of life

    Hitoshi Fujii

  • 12


    Hitoshi Fujii

White&blue3rd album release. (new songs are 8. before made songs 4
Thema of this album is four seasons that is fading of Japan.
"Spring" is started from song called "Haruno itazura" . This song is indicated to made merry heart .
"summer" is started from song called "Natsuno kioku".This song is indicated to collars of white and blue .also sunshine.
Song called "For two mees" is made with my grandchild.
"Autumn" is started from song called "Kodokunahunade/saikennouta
This song is indicated to my own experience of reconstruction of enterprise .
"Winter" is started from called song "Yukiyono senade". This song is made of image by "Romeo and Juret " in Shakespeares.

Artist Profile
