The Boys and Girls' "Death and Words" (Part "Death") Front Cover


Free Dead


「今日よりも酷い今日を 繰り返す部屋の隅で

君はなぜ理由もなく 何のため生きるのか?」

問い詰める声はやがて 饒舌な思想として

憂鬱な日々の隙間 僕の心を諭す

画面越しの笑い声も 映り込んだ請求書も

我先にと僕を煽る 「いますぐ消えてしまえよ」ってさ

「自由な死者に救済を 自由な死者に祝福を」

誰も彼もが叫び立てる 無意識の号令

「自由な死者に解放を 自由な死者に喝采を」

右も左も居場所のない 不自由な時代に

何一つ希望は 持てないままでいい


「隣人の愛がなくば 自らも愛せぬだろう

虐げた敵が誰か 分かってるはずだ」

ワイドショー ビルを焼いた 部屋中に悲鳴が満ちた

それこそが狼煙だった 僕を駆り立てる神

もう誰にも望まれずに 一人きりで生きるのなら

もっと辛い日々が続く それならいまここで

「自由な死者に制裁を 自由な死者に報復を」

誰も彼もが待ち焦がれる 無差別な銃声

「自由な死者に決断を 自由な死者に結末を」

前も後ろも逃げ場はない 不条理な未来に

何一つ奇跡は 起きないままでいい



無自覚に笑う彼に 殺された君自身だ

だからこそ 無論ここで 復讐を果たすべきだ

思いつくがままでいい 君の答えを示せ

命に価値があるなんて時代 それ自体がすでに腐っている

明日また病院へ行こうと かけた電話は繋がらない


「自由な死者に救済を 自由な死者に祝福を

自由な死者に制裁を 自由な死者に報復を」

「自由な死者に尊厳を 自由な死者に敬愛を」

誰も彼もが叫び立てる 無秩序の肯定

「自由な死者に惜別を 自由な死者に冥福を」

上も下もあるはずのない 美しい命に

何一つ世界に 失うものはない



  • Lyricist

    Hirokawa Tsuyuyuki, ein himinn

  • Composer

    ein himinn

The Boys and Girls' "Death and Words" (Part "Death") Front Cover

Listen to Free Dead by yukinifuru

Streaming / Download

  • ⚫︎

    Free Dead


  • 2

    Notes of the Will to Die


  • 3

    Howler and Hairdryer


  • 4

    Term-End Roadside


  • 5

    Unscattered Words


  • 6

    The Boys and Girls' "Death and Words"


There is no reason for the deaths and words of the boys and girls...
Why do boys and girls get hurt? Why do they cry? Why do they lose the will to live?
This is yukinifuru's 5th Novel Album, depicting the reasons and the roots of those reasons from the perspective of a boy and a girl.

The song "Free Dead" is a repetition of a command targeting the "Free Dead".
The story begins with a discussion of the same disease as its title.
The boys and girls with suicidal thoughts, called "Freed Dead Syndrome," are gathered in a facility, and Souya wakes up as one of the group. However, he has no memory of the events leading up to that point.
The only person who smiles at him is a girl. Souya tries to find the relationship between her and himself.

This album include "Notes of the Will to Die," which is a poetry reading of Souya's own will, "Term-End Roadside," which is about Souya's escape from his boring days, and "The Boys and Girls' "Death and Words"" which features twin vocal performances by a boy and a girl, each expressing their own personality.
Everyone has experienced boyhood and girlhood. This is a work that explores the fragile and dangerous emotions swirling around them.

Artist Profile
