The Boys and Girls' "Death and Words" (Part "Death") Front Cover


Howler and Hairdryer


長い長い長い ドライヤーの時間に

叫んでみたんだ 遠吠えみたいに

いつか誰か 届くのならいいのに

本当はそんなこと 信じてもないのに

教室を抜け出して 土砂降りの昼下がりに

信号と街灯が 代わりばんこの道を歩いていた

「ずっと君のこと 好きだったんだ」

アニメのエンディングは 嘘くさくて 苦手だったな

私の叫び声を 全部全部 かき消してよドライヤー

ふいに暗闇 裏切るように途絶えたブレーカー

長い長い髪から 落ちるしずくが足元を濡らす

どこにも行けないような そんな気がしたんだ

深い深い深い 夜が続く不安に

叫んで潰れた 心の痛みに

この世界が 続くだけでいいのに

本当はそんなこと 望んでもないけど

線路沿い 駆け出して 終点と逆戻りに

信号も街灯も そっと消えてく

私の生きる意味が 一つ二つ 嘘に変わる 辛いや

鼻をくすぐる 雨混じる風に夏のフレーバー

遠く遠く かみなり 落ちる光が足元を照らす

どこまで行けばいいのか 分からないまま

教室を抜け出して 土砂降りの昼下がりに

明日の話なんて したくなかった

びしょ濡れのわるあがきに 風邪ひきのやつ当たりに

信号と街灯が 夜空に浮かぶ

私の叫び声を 全部全部 かき消してよドライヤー

いつも自分を 裏切るだけの私が嫌いだ

閉じたはずの瞳が 落とすしずくが足元を濡らす

どこにも行けない夜に 夢を見ていたんだ

全部全部 かき消してよドライヤー

  • Lyricist

    Hirokawa Tsuyuyuki

  • Composer

    ein himinn

The Boys and Girls' "Death and Words" (Part "Death") Front Cover

Listen to Howler and Hairdryer by yukinifuru

Streaming / Download

  • 1

    Free Dead


  • 2

    Notes of the Will to Die


  • ⚫︎

    Howler and Hairdryer


  • 4

    Term-End Roadside


  • 5

    Unscattered Words


  • 6

    The Boys and Girls' "Death and Words"


There is no reason for the deaths and words of the boys and girls...
Why do boys and girls get hurt? Why do they cry? Why do they lose the will to live?
This is yukinifuru's 5th Novel Album, depicting the reasons and the roots of those reasons from the perspective of a boy and a girl.

The song "Free Dead" is a repetition of a command targeting the "Free Dead".
The story begins with a discussion of the same disease as its title.
The boys and girls with suicidal thoughts, called "Freed Dead Syndrome," are gathered in a facility, and Souya wakes up as one of the group. However, he has no memory of the events leading up to that point.
The only person who smiles at him is a girl. Souya tries to find the relationship between her and himself.

This album include "Notes of the Will to Die," which is a poetry reading of Souya's own will, "Term-End Roadside," which is about Souya's escape from his boring days, and "The Boys and Girls' "Death and Words"" which features twin vocal performances by a boy and a girl, each expressing their own personality.
Everyone has experienced boyhood and girlhood. This is a work that explores the fragile and dangerous emotions swirling around them.

Artist Profile
