休日 校舎の屋上で 眺めてた「僕らの日常」は
それなりに平凡で それなりに窮屈で
終業式 抜けて 暇潰し 閉業予定のゲームショップ
どうせ明日も今日が 続くと思っていたから
どこまでも無自覚で どこまでも残酷で
湿った風 じれる心 辛口のソーダは青色
無味無臭な青春の途中 使い切れない命を無駄にして
何故だか 多くは 語らないような
幸か 不幸か 笑顔のままで
そっと君は 一人で器用に泣いて
どうにか どうにか 僕の言葉で
遠く 遠く 連れて行けたら
終日 歩き通し僕ら トンネルの隅をくぐっていく
貰った風邪 乾いた喉 一緒にここを離れようと
逃避行を 始めた朝も
行こうか 戻るか 迷った夜も
いつも僕らは 二人で明日を探した
どんなに どんなに 重たい過去も
遠く 遠く 運んでくれと
2号線 ひび割ればかりのロードサイド
辛い記憶も 背負うだけなら容易いはずなのに
飛行船 雨雲 濡らした ポートレイト
失くした傘を探すうちに 歩き出せなくなる
電線蹴って飛び立った 夕暮れ カラスの羽根が
時計の秒針みたいに ゆっくり動いて見えた
電線蹴って飛び立った 夕暮れ カラスの羽根が
時計の秒針みたいに いつまでも
何度も 何度も 僕らの旅の
声を 言葉を 思い出してよ
いつか途中の 道をまた歩き直して
最後に 最後に 見上げる星は
どうか どうか 綺麗なままで
あの日の僕らに さよなら
- Lyricist
Hirokawa Tsuyuyuki, ein himinn
- Composer
ein himinn
Listen to Term-End Roadside by yukinifuru
Streaming / Download
- 1
Free Dead
- 2
Notes of the Will to Die
- 3
Howler and Hairdryer
- ⚫︎
Term-End Roadside
- 5
Unscattered Words
- 6
The Boys and Girls' "Death and Words"
There is no reason for the deaths and words of the boys and girls...
Why do boys and girls get hurt? Why do they cry? Why do they lose the will to live?
This is yukinifuru's 5th Novel Album, depicting the reasons and the roots of those reasons from the perspective of a boy and a girl.
The song "Free Dead" is a repetition of a command targeting the "Free Dead".
The story begins with a discussion of the same disease as its title.
The boys and girls with suicidal thoughts, called "Freed Dead Syndrome," are gathered in a facility, and Souya wakes up as one of the group. However, he has no memory of the events leading up to that point.
The only person who smiles at him is a girl. Souya tries to find the relationship between her and himself.
This album include "Notes of the Will to Die," which is a poetry reading of Souya's own will, "Term-End Roadside," which is about Souya's escape from his boring days, and "The Boys and Girls' "Death and Words"" which features twin vocal performances by a boy and a girl, each expressing their own personality.
Everyone has experienced boyhood and girlhood. This is a work that explores the fragile and dangerous emotions swirling around them.
Artist Profile
A unit based on the concept of storytelling and music. Named after the motif of "something" that falls on the world covered with coldness and fragility, which they compare to "snow," the unit expresses a unique worldview based on the themes of home and place, regret and loss, and the will of continuing to live. The work, which includes a novel and CD, is painstakingly depicted with a certain reality, and reveals an overwhelming world of poetry that is both fictional and real at the same time.