外出を自粛 自主的に続く 防護服と化した自室
暇潰し 無料 FPS 手当たり次第に銃を取る
非現実世界 緩く続く殺し合い
日常同様 無能 役立たずに居場所はなくて
ただ疲れて酔って 被弾する心無い罵声
浴びせられ慣れて 無神経 何度も催した吐き気
ふいに蝉の鳴き声 ただの耳鳴りで
夕立 街の苛立ちに注ぎ ささやかな自傷行為
雨に濡れたくて 向かう表通り
人の群れにぶつかり 逃げるように行き先を探して回り
乗り込んだ電車内 誰も本なんて読んでない
自分のことは棚に上げて それだけで勝手に憂う未来
その実 ただの醜い思い上がり 意志薄弱のなりたがり
放置した未完の物語 こんな面倒も今日で終わり
死の意思の記録に 用意する自供
付き纏う孤独に 儚む価値すらない希望
誰かが都合よく 語らぬよう
僕が生きるのを やめる理由を
僕が僕を殺したい その訳を
ここに残した 意思の記録
そんなんじゃなくて そんなんじゃなくて
そんなんじゃなくて ただ ただ
懐かしむ昨日 所詮、人生の模造
繰り返した侮辱 その馬鹿らしさに苦笑
でも ここに書き留める
- Lyricist
Hirokawa Tsuyuyuki
- Composer
ein himinn
Listen to Notes of the Will to Die by yukinifuru
Streaming / Download
- 1
Free Dead
- ⚫︎
Notes of the Will to Die
- 3
Howler and Hairdryer
- 4
Term-End Roadside
- 5
Unscattered Words
- 6
The Boys and Girls' "Death and Words"
There is no reason for the deaths and words of the boys and girls...
Why do boys and girls get hurt? Why do they cry? Why do they lose the will to live?
This is yukinifuru's 5th Novel Album, depicting the reasons and the roots of those reasons from the perspective of a boy and a girl.
The song "Free Dead" is a repetition of a command targeting the "Free Dead".
The story begins with a discussion of the same disease as its title.
The boys and girls with suicidal thoughts, called "Freed Dead Syndrome," are gathered in a facility, and Souya wakes up as one of the group. However, he has no memory of the events leading up to that point.
The only person who smiles at him is a girl. Souya tries to find the relationship between her and himself.
This album include "Notes of the Will to Die," which is a poetry reading of Souya's own will, "Term-End Roadside," which is about Souya's escape from his boring days, and "The Boys and Girls' "Death and Words"" which features twin vocal performances by a boy and a girl, each expressing their own personality.
Everyone has experienced boyhood and girlhood. This is a work that explores the fragile and dangerous emotions swirling around them.
Artist Profile
A unit based on the concept of storytelling and music. Named after the motif of "something" that falls on the world covered with coldness and fragility, which they compare to "snow," the unit expresses a unique worldview based on the themes of home and place, regret and loss, and the will of continuing to live. The work, which includes a novel and CD, is painstakingly depicted with a certain reality, and reveals an overwhelming world of poetry that is both fictional and real at the same time.