Reborn Front Cover


The Waiting Bride


04 待っている花嫁

花火 心が砕けた形 私に点火させて アイヤー

星光 貴方の顔を照らす 私に光を消させて アイヤー

聞こえる コウライウグイスが歌う ライヨー ライヤー

遠方 銅鑼が鳴り響く 誰が帰ってきたのだろう アイヤー

涙の花 枕元に咲いた花 私に摘ませて アイヤー

お父さん 何たることでしょう 私を眠らせて アイヤー

見て 帰りの道はとても遠い ライヨー ライヤー

彼 戻って来なくはない 道に迷っただけ アイヤー


花嫁よ 泣くのはおやめ 角を曲がればお家だから

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Mux nyiangb diol bongt

Ax gid dangl lax bongt

Dangl lax bongt ghax yangk liox yangk hsangs

Ib gheik danb ad

Dos liuf guod beex ped nangd

Yangk nianx yangk hniet

Ghax jianx yos leif

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(お嬢さん 貴方はあの遠い場所で待っている)


(1輪の花のように 咲く花もあれば 落ちゆく花もある)

(季節が過ぎると 花はしおれて枯れてしまった)


見てごらん 帰りの道はとても遠い ライヨー ライヤー

彼は 帰って来なくはない 道に迷っただけ

花火は 心が砕けた形 私に点火させて アイヤー

星が 貴方の顔を照らす 私に光を消させて

04 等待的新娘

烟花 心碎的形状 让我燃放它 哎呀

星光 照亮你脸庞 让我熄灭它 哎呀

听呐 黄鹂鸟歌唱 啦咿哟 来咿呀

远方 传来锣鼓响 是谁归来了 哎呀

泪花 枕头开的花 让我摘下它 哎呀

阿爸 女儿的天呐 让我入睡啊 哎呀

看呐 归来路漫长 啦咿哟 来咿呀

他呀 不是不回来 只是迷路了 哎呀


新娘子 你莫哭 转个弯弯就到屋

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Mux nyiangb diol bongt

Ax gid dangl lax bongt

Dangl lax bongt ghax yangk liox yangk hsangs

Ib gheik danb ad

Dos liuf guod beex ped nangd

Yangk nianx yangk hniet

Ghax jianx yos leif

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看呐 归来路漫长 啦咿哟 来咿呀

他呀 不是不回来 只是迷路了

烟花 心碎的形状 让我燃放它 哎呀

星光 照亮你脸庞 让我熄灭它

词曲/Lyrics and Music:阿朵

制作人/Producer:陈伟伦 / 阿朵


(Inspired by the work of Yosi Horikawa)

民族器乐/Traditional Musical Instruments(石磨盘/筛米/三眼箫):央格里 / 张子涵


器乐录音/Musical Instrumental Recording:李杨 @55T.E.C Studio, BJ


人声录音/Vocal Recording:张一白 @55T.E.C Studio, BJ

音频编辑/Audio Editting:馬RS(Mars Ma)

采样录音/Samples Recording:周志翔 / 万彦凯

混音/Mixing:张博 @S.A.G Studio, BJ

母带处理/Mastering:Ted Jensen @Sterling Sound, NYC

  • Lyricist


  • Composer


Reborn Front Cover

Listen to The Waiting Bride by Aduo

Streaming / Download

This album combines the view of life and death of the Hmong minority people and electronic music, Created by Aduo, a female artist representing China. This album has been nominated for the 61st Annual Grammy Awards (World Music category) and has been highly acclaimed worldwide.

Artist Profile

  • Aduo

    She is one of the leading female artists in China. Her overwhelming singing ability and her beautiful physical expression have earned her international acclaim. In 2004, she appeared on the national music program "Chinese New Year's Party" broadcast by China Central Television (CCTV) over the year of the Chinese New Year, and her popularity as her top star. She also has a worldwide reputation, with her being ranked in the American economic magazine Forbes as the most influential person in China for the third consecutive year since 2005. For five years from 2012, she left all front stages, she explored traditional culture while touching the settlements of ethnic minorities in China, and inspired the intangible cultural heritage of the Hmong people. The "Reborn", which was produced during that period and crystallized the view of life and death of the Hmong people as a music dance drama, received high praise, and was nominated in the World Music category of the 61st U.S. Grammy Awards and the largest music award in China CMA. She is one of the most promising female artists in China today, having won the highest award of a certain "Chinese Song and Industry Commission Music Award".

    Artist page

